Cape Promise & Mission
Our Promise
Excellence, Equity and Responsiveness:
Every Student, Every Classroom, Every Day!
Our Mission
The Cape Henlopen School District celebrates the diversity of our students, staff, and community. We cultivate compassionate and innovative thinkers by providing every student with a welcoming, safe, equitable school community that is affirming and inclusive. Cape Henlopen engages and challenges ALL students by providing a responsive educational experience to prepare for post-secondary education and/or career opportunities.
Take Our Promise
As part of our strategic planning process, we have developed a Cape Promise and are encouraging all students, staff, parents and community members to take the promise with us! Each respective card can be downloaded below or picked up at one of our schools. If you would like to take the promise, please fill out the card and either send it to school with your child, deliver it to the District Office, or deliver it to the secretary in one of our buildings.
All of the cards received will be displayed in our schools as a daily reminder that it takes the effort of an entire community to ensure that all students are successful. Thank you for being a part of our Cape family!