Recording and Reporting of Assessments and Grades:
Students will have between 9 and 20 grades per marking period.
All secondary grade books consist of two categories:
- Progress Checks: 40% of grade
- Common/Summative Assessments: 60% of grade
Category #1: Progress Check 40%
- 40% of overall grade book report
- High-quality, standards-aligned assignments
- Administered after multiple formative assessment attempts with feedback
- Progress check assignment titles should reflect the learning experiences (i.e. reference the standard or skill/learning target. Example: "Solving two-step equations" not "Quiz 1")
Category #2: Common/Summative Assessments 60%
- 60% of overall grade book report
- High-quality standards-aligned common assessments or summative assessments
- Administered after multiple progress checks with ample feedback
- Student should understand the criteria needed to demonstrate success on each learning target/skill (rubrics)
- Administered uniformly by all teachers teaching the same course
Each marking period, there must be at least three items in each category.
Grades are updated at least every two weeks for family communication purposes.
Grading Scale
A = 90 - 100
B = 80 – 89
C = 70 – 79
D = 60 – 69
F = 59 and below
NR (for missing assignments = 50 until converted to a numerical grade
All students will be provided with opportunities for support throughout the marking period to attain, at minimum, a passing grade. Examples of support include, but are not limited to, Extra Time Programs and after-school programs. If a student appears to be in danger of failing by the marking period mid-point, a plan will be developed to support that student to attain a passing grade by the end of the marking period using Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 strategies and/or interventions. The plan will be communicated to parents/guardians.
Throughout the marking period, parents/guardians will receive communication from teachers to be able to support their child's learning success. To ensure the opportunity for student success recording of grades will be as follows:
- Full Year Courses - any grade lower than a 50 at the end of marking periods 1 and 3 will be reported as a 50 on the report card. At the end of marking period 2 and 4, the actual grade earned below a 50 will be reported on the report card. The child's teacher will request a meeting with the parent/guardian if a student receives a failing marking period grade.
- Semester Courses - any grade lower than a 50 at the end of the 1st marking period of the course will be reported as a 50 on the report card. At the end of the 2nd marking period of the course, the actual grade earned below a 50 will be reported on the report card.
- One Marking Period Courses - At the end of the marking period, the actual grade earned will be reported on the report card. The minimum grade of 50 will not apply.
At the end of any course, a cumulative average of the marking period grades will be calculated. A final grade of 60 or above is considered a passing grade. Any questions or concerns that parents/guardians have regarding the calculation of grades should be directed to their child's teacher.
Student GPA is calculated on a 100-point scale.