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District Safety Team

Keeping Cape Safe

At the May 2023 Board of Education meeting, the Board approved the District’s plan to expand the security staff throughout the District. Seven constables were hired, including a lead constable to oversee the team as well as an additional School Resource Officer for the District. As a result, each of our schools will have a law enforcement officer present in the building, with two at the high school and an additional officer working District-wide. You can learn more about the members of our safety team below! 

School Resource Officers


Duties and Powers of Constables

The items listed below are the powers and duties of constables as outlined in the Delaware Code.

The School Constable will:

  1. Protect life and property, and preserve peace and good order while in the performance of the lawful duties of employment;

  2. Exercise the same powers as peace officers and law enforcement officers, in order to protect life and property, while in the performance of the lawful duties of employment;

  3. Execute all lawful orders, warrants, and other processes directed to the constable by any court or judge of this State; however, a constable shall only have such power and duty if the Board of Examiners, upon review, determine that the constable may exercise such duty or power;

  4. As part of duty, and in the exercise of the constable's lawful authority, notify the full-service police agency which has primary law-enforcement jurisdiction in every instance in which the constable makes a custodial detention, an arrest, a search of a person or place, or when the occurrence of a criminal act is reported to the constable. It will be the responsibility of the full-service police agency to undertake any necessary investigation and to comply with the reporting demands of the State Bureau of Identification.

For purposes of this paragraph, "full-service police agency" will mean the police force or other law-enforcement agency of the state, county, or municipality which is responsible for the prevention and detection of crime and the enforcement of the laws of this state and its governmental units.

24 Del. C. §5609