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Enrollment and Registration

Welcome to Cape!

We are excited that you have chosen to enroll your child in the Cape Henlopen School District. The registration process is designed to ensure that your child has a smooth transition into our schools and that you have a quick, stress-free registration experience! 

Families who live in the Cape Henlopen School District with a student of kindergarten age should also use this process. All Cape kindergarten classes are full day. Children turning five on or before August 31 of the current year, and whose parents live in the Cape Henlopen School District are eligible to register for kindergarten.

For students in grades K-12 who are enrolling in the district for the current school year, the pre-registration can be found below. Once the portal opens, you may submit all documents via the portal (including the final report card or unofficial transcript) and current proof of residency (current electric bill).  Missing any of the required documents will delay the processing of registration. Registrations are processed in the order they are received COMPLETE. Please be sure to have a valid physical for your child dated within the last two years. If you need a physical form, please let us know.

Check out our registration step-by-step guide below, and then click the registration button to get started!















Step 1: Find Your Child's Feeder School

The student's feeder school is the school that the District assigns the student to attend, based on the location of the home. Use the Delaware School Locator tool to locate your feeder District and the school(s) in which your child will attend. 

DOE School Locator

Step 2: Prepare Your Documents

In order to register your child, the District will need supporting documents to complete the registration. We recommend gathering all of the appropriate documents before moving on to the next step. 

Supporting documents needed for registration include:

  • Student's Birth Certificate
  • Proof of Residence
    • One of the following documents with the parent/guardian name is required: A current monthly utility bill (example: electricity, cable), or an Executed Lease Agreement from a licensed Realtor or Property Management Company (see Board Policy #205 for details). The utility bill must show both the service and mailing address, which must match. If one of the above documents cannot be produced, the parent/guardian will need to contact Central Registration. 
  • Photo ID of Parent/Guardian
  • Proof of Immunization
  • Physical (must have been within the last 2 years)
  • TB Screening
  • Current Immunizations
  • Report Card
  • Withdrawal Sheet
  • Transcripts
  • IEP (if applicable)
  • 504 (if applicable)
  • Custody Documentation (if applicable)

Step 3: Photo/Scan Required Documents

You may take a picture of the documents using a smartphone, or scan the copies of the supporting documents (listed above).

Here are two resources that can help with scanning documents from home:

Please make sure if using your phone or tablet that the documents are not cut off and/or blurry.

Once you have the photos or scans taken, you'll need to transfer the photos of the supporting documents to the computer you are going to use to complete the registration form. (Completing the registration form in Step 4 will be easier to do on a computer). 


Step 4 - Register!

Click the appropriate link below to register your child (Grades KN-12) for the 2024-2025 school year. Families applying for School Choice should also use the links below.

Please Note: Effective last year, students must be registered in their home district in order for their choice application to be processed. Students who are applying for School Choice at a Charter or Private School, and who live in the Cape Henlopen School District, MUST be registered with CHSD before applying for choice at the charter or private school. 

2024-25 School Year Registration - English

2024-25 School Year Registration - Spanish

2025-26 School Year Registration - English

2025-26 School Year Registration - Spanish

Once you have submitted your child's registration via the online portal with all required documentation, the Central Registration Office will notify you by email of any missing documentation. Please respond to the email with missing documentation requested.

PLEASE NOTE: Registrations will be processed in the order they are received with all supporting documentation. A notice of completion email will be sent when the registration is complete.

Spanish Immersion information will be communicated at the building level and is not involved with the registration process.