Immersion Openings
- When openings occur in Kindergarten (during the school year), you should offer the spot to a student immediately. Use the priority list created in the summer to make offers.
Classrooms Beyond First Grade
- If seats are available in an immersion classroom, a native Spanish-speaking student should be considered for placement. Please consult the immersion administrator for placement.
- If seats are available in first grade after Spanish-speaking students have been placed, all names of first-graders, not in immersion, will be placed in a randomizer. A numbered list will be generated, and open immersion slots will be offered starting at the top until all slots are full.
- A native English-speaking student will not be added to Immersion classrooms after first grade unless they come from a Spanish immersion program in another district.
Students Retained in Kindergarten or First Grade
- The school team, with the parent/guardian, will meet to determine the optimal placement for the student.
- Retention does not dictate a dismissal from or an automatic addition to the program.
Parents Who Wish to Retain their Child in Kindergarten or First Grade to Apply for the Immersion Program:
- Meet with the parent.
- Review the child’s data and performance in Kindergarten.
- If the child has met KN standards, the school staff should do everything they can to discourage the parent.
- Parent request is weighted heavily.
- If the parent decides to retain the child, the selection process remains the same. They are not guaranteed a spot but will enter the immersion lottery with all other students.