Board Philosophy
The Cape Henlopen Board of Education believes in promoting and maintaining an educational environment that is dedicated to the total personal development of each student.
This environment, while maintaining a certain degree of flexibility in adapting to an ever-changing world, will provide students with a sequential, coordinated curriculum which allows for individual difference.
To this end, Board Policy and staff members will strive to aid each student's intellectual, physical, moral, emotional, aesthetic and social growth. It is the intent of the Board for each student to become a useful and responsible member of home, community, and society while leading a personally fulfilling life.
It is recognized by the Board that such achievement is best accomplished through the efforts of parents, community, and school. Therefore, parent and community involvement in the school program is encouraged.The Board believes the ultimate goal of education in the district schools is to provide students with skills and experiences which will enable them to assume productive roles in a world of rapid change and unforeseeable demands.