Beacon Middle School AVID Coordinator
Nicole Hughes, AVID Coordinator
Phone: (302) 645-6288AVID
Advancement Via Individual Determination
Course Summary:
AVID class meets everyday and is driven by the WICOR method, which stands for writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization and reading. The AVID staff and students will work together as a learning community to build the skills necessary for academic success. This course weaves together both skills and content knowledge to begin preparing the student for proper course selection in high school that will ensure entrance into a four-year college. Furthermore, the student will learn and utilize skills to improve: organization, test-taking, time-management, and goal-setting.Classroom Materials:
• Agenda (issued by school)
• Binder containing pencils, pens, highlighters, pencil pouch, dividers, etc.
• Cornell Notes pages
• Learning logs
• TRFs (tutorial request forms) as neededClassroom Expectations:
As an AVID student you are expected to exemplify leadership qualities, maturity, and responsibility. You are not only role models for the school, but you also represent our program in each class that you attend. The expectations for AVID students apply in ALL classes and activities.
• BE RESPECTFUL of others. Treat others as you would want to be treated. Listen while others are talking, and give everyone a chance to voice his/her opinion. Be polite and be honest. Use appropriate language at all times. Cooperate with your teacher, your tutors, and your classmates. Do not pack up, stand, or leave the classroom until you have been dismissed from class.
• BE RESPONSIBLE and be prepared. Bring your materials and your homework to class each day. After entering the classroom, go to your seat and be ready to work. Always put forth your best effort and encourage others to do their best. Raise your hand if you have a question. Stay on task during class.
• BE PROACTIVE with your education. Everyone can learn something new each day if he/she wants to. Take an interest in your classes. You are what you make it (your learning). Ask questions. Get involved with class discussions. Communicate with all of your teachers if you have issues or concerns. Set high expectations for yourself and meet them. Make up any missed work and meet deadlines before they are due.Grading and Reporting Policy:
Numerical grades will be issued to indicate academic performance. Class averages will be determined using the following weighted averages for content to be covered. Parents may access Home Access Center (HAC--the online grade book) to view a student’s grades, missing assignments, and attendance.• AVID Binder Check (30%)- AVID students are required to keep one 3-inch or larger binder for all of their classes. This binder will be graded for organization, planning (agenda), and notes and will be used to note the academic progress or lack thereof as well as organization of the student in AVID. The daily agenda should be a part of the binder. Binder checks will occur on Wednesdays, Thursdays, or Fridays, but as the year progresses, unannounced binder checks will take place.
• Projects/Quizzes (25%)- A quiz or performance task will be assigned as we study each unit. Quizzes will always be announced in advance so that students will have adequate time to prepare, unless the quiz is an open-notes quiz. Projects may be assigned at times to supplement the material covered in class. Ample time will be given for completion of projects.
• Class work (35%)- The class work will allow students to show their understanding of the current material. It may be given often and is expected to be completed by the set due date unless told otherwise. Late work will NOT be accepted. Tutorials and Learning Logs will count as class work.
• Homework (10%)- Homework may not be given every night; however, when it is given, it is due the following day unless specified, no exceptions. Late homework will NOT be accepted. Once Beacon’s HYPE Program (homework help) begins, students will be asked to attend at least one session per week. Students can select which day works best for them. If a student is in sports, they will attend for the first 30 minutes of HYPE. This will give me another opportunity to make sure students are staying on task. Homework will be scored on the basis of accuracy, completion, and honest effort.The grading scale follows:
A 93%- 100%
B 85%- 92%
C 75%- 84%
D 70%- 74%
F Below 70%
AVID Basics:
A Typical Week in AVID (days may change activities)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Projects, AVID curriculum, academic skill-building, critical reading and writing Projects, AVID curriculum, academic skill-building, critical reading and writing 1st Marking Period: instruction and scaffolding of tutorials
2nd-4th Marking Periods: tutorials Thorough Thursdays—10-15 minutes of organizational time; binder checks, AVID curriculum Binder checks, team-building, guest speakers, Socratic seminars, college field trips/researchAVID Tutorials:
Starting later in the school year, tutors will come once a week to work with our students. It is the student’s responsibility to have his/her Tutorial Sheets (TRFs) filled out before he/she comes to the tutorial session. With college students and volunteers from the community as facilitators, students take 3 Column Notes throughout the tutorial session as well as write reflections and summaries of what was discussed and ask all levels of questions (Level 1- you can look up the answer, Level 2- getting through the topic, and Level 3-advanced-going beyond the topic) to reach new understandings of the material. These TRFs are part of the AVID grade. No late tutorials will be accepted. It is the student's responsibility to go online and download the TRF from Schoology or pick one up from the magazine holder on his/her way out the door. Students are able to print this from home or the school library.
AVID Cornell Notes and Learning Logs:
Cornell Notes is a note-taking strategy used to record and retain information. Learning logs are class-learning reflections. If you did not take Cornell Notes for a class period, you are required to complete a learning log. The Cornell Note-taking format will be taught to students at the start of the marking period. You will need to take a minimum of 3 Cornell Notes every two-three weeks in various core classes. A maximum of TWO learning logs every two-three weeks needs to be completed. Both are graded assignments.
AVID Community Service:
All AVID students are required to complete 20 hours of Community Service prior to the transition ceremony. To facilitate this, each AVID student will be required to complete 5 hours of community service each marking period. There is an AVID community service sheet that students complete for credit. AVID students are required to fill the service sheet in on their own time (after the project has been completed would be best).Student and parent please sign and return the AVID Student and Family Agreement (attached) if you agree to commit yourself to Beacon’s AVID program.
Beacon Middle School
AVID Student and Family AgreementPlease sign on the lines below and return to your AVID Teacher
AVID Student and Family Agreement
We have read and understand the AVID Course Syllabus and agree to support the efforts of this student in meeting the AVID Course Requirements outlined in this document.AVID Student Name (print): __________________________________________________________________
Student Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Signed: _____________________________________________Today’s Date: __________________________
(Student)Student t-shirt size: YM YL AS AM AL AXL
AVID Parent/ Guardian Name(s) (print):
Telephone #s: _________________________________________________________________________________
Email Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
Signed: ______________________________________________Today’s Date: _________________________
(Parent/Guardian)AVID Site Team consists of teachers, parents and students who meet every third month to discuss how to improve AVID or to share information about AVID.
____ I am interested in attending Site Team Meetings and represent the parent group.
Failure to adhere to AVID Program Guidelines and Requirements, Classroom and Behavior Expectations, and School Policies and Procedures may result in being dropped from the AVID Program. AVID has procedures for probation and removal from the program. If you would like a copy of this information, please let me know and I will send it home with your student.
____ Yes, I would like a copy of the probation and removal procedures.
Questions, comments, concerns or special information about this AVID student: