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About Ms. Evans

  • Welcome to C.A.P.!  This accelerated program has been designed to meet the needs of your advanced student.  As the CAP teacher, I will work closely with your child’s regular classroom teachers to ensure the success of your student.  Your child will spend their Language Arts and Math time in the CAP classroom. They will be in their regular classrooms for Science and Social Studies.  I have plenty of exciting learning opportunities planned and I am looking forward to getting started.  As parents and guardians, you are the most important teacher in your student’s life and it is with that understanding that we will build a partnership together to help your student achieve their educational goals.   Our learning will include real-world project-based learning as well as service learning opportunities.  

    I would like to provide you with a little information about myself.  I grew up in Milton and was a student to HOB.  Having taken advantage of acceleration myself, I graduated from Cape in 1987, a year earlier than scheduled.  I have an Associate degree in Business Administration, a Bachelor degree in Elementary Education that includes certifications in Special Education and Gifted and Talented, and a Master degree in Instructional Media.  As you can see, I love school and love learning.  I love to teach and hope to instill a lifelong passion for learning in all of my students.  I have very high expectations for myself as well as my students and will be helping students find their leadership niche in the upcoming year.  I am looking forward to a productive, challenging year. 

Classroom Rules

  • The Cape Accelerated Program is committed to meeting the academic, social, and emotional needs of highly able learners. Through the use of differentiation, students will participate in learning opportunities that require them to utilize creativity, collaboration, communication, and critical thinking skills. Students will develop habits, attitudes, and the inspiration needed to become self-directed, independent life-long learners and leaders.