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Child Find

Child Find is a federal law that requires districts to look for, find, and evaluate kids (from birth through age 21) who need special education. The mandate is part of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and pertains to children from birth to age 21. Child Find applies to all kids, including those who are homeschooled or in private schools, plus kids who are migrants or without homes.

Click here to learn more about the Child Find Requirements

Child Find for Preschool-Aged Children

If you have concerns about your preschool-aged child’s development, please contact Megan Centineo at

For more information on the District's Early Learning opportunities, please click here.

Child Find for Elementary & Secondary Students*

*for students who are parentally placed in private school or homeschooled.

If you have development concerns, please contact Angela Biller at  Once the email has been received, you will be contacted for further information and to discuss the necessary next steps. For additional information, please refer to the links below. 

Homeschools and Private Schools (NPS)

Currently, in Delaware, there is legislation authorizing the extension of an equitable share of special education services for homeschooled students that qualify with an educational disability. The process of identifying children with a disability in order to qualify for services involves multiple steps. Should your child or children qualify, the services provided will be based on a mathematically derived equitable share dollar amount that translates to service time. If you are interested in hearing more about the service option, our Supervisor of Special Programs Dr. Baker, and Coordinator of Compliance, Mrs. Angie Biller, will conduct an annual informational meeting. Please check back for details on the date and time. Those who cannot attend the meeting are welcome to call our office at (302) 645-6686. 

To download the full letter from Dr. Eileen Baker with additional information, please click here.