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Bus Information

Information for Parents & Guardians

Band Information on School Bus Rules

Title 14 of the Delaware Code addresses the issue of band instruments on school buses. Section 1150, 10.18 states, "Band instruments, shop projects and other school projects shall not be permitted on the bus if they interfere with the driver or other passengers. The aisle, exits and the driver's vision shall not be blocked."

If a bus is not at capacity, a student may keep a small band instrument in their seat. However, if all seats are occupied then the instrument must be kept in the student's lap or at their feet. this is usually only possible for small instruments since larger instruments interfere with other passengers in the seat or area. 

Bus Stop Information

Bus Eligibility 
The Regulations of the Delaware Department of Education 14 DE Administrative Code 1150, School Transportation, Section 12.0, govern the provision of student transportation benefits as follows: "Transportation Benefits shall be provided for pupils in grades K-6 whose legal residences are one (1) mile or more from the public school to which they would normally be assigned by the district administration and for pupils in grades 7-12 whose legal residences are two (2) miles or more from the public schools to which they would normally be assigned by the district administration." This regulation stipulates that students in grades K through 6 whose legal residence is within 1 (one) mile of the school are NOT eligible for bus transportation; and, students in grades 7 through 12 whose legal residence is within 2 (two) miles of the school are NOT eligible for bus transportation.

Bus Stop Locations

Bus Stop Policy
Housing Developments/ Walking Distance to Bus Stops

  • The Regulations of the Delaware Department of Education 14 DE Administrative Code 1150, School Transportation, Section 12.7, governs the distance that a student receiving transportation benefits may be required to walk to the bus stop as follows:
    • "A spur to a bus route (where the bus leaves the main route) shall not be scheduled unless the one-way distance is greater than 1/2 mile."
    • This regulation stipulates that a bus cannot be re-routed and additional bus stops added unless the distance from the student's home to the bus stop exceeds 1/2 mile. 


What to do when the bus doesn't arrive on time

Cape Henlopen School District Transportation Department strives to provide safe and punctual service. Occasionally, a bus will run late due to a mechanical malfunction or a relief driver may miss a stop. It is our goal to address these concerns in a proactive, positive manner and provide suggestions that your children could use when their school bus does not arrive at their stop.

  1. We recommend students be at the bus stop 10 minutes before the scheduled pick up time.
  2. Students are asked to wait at the stop for at least 15 minutes after the scheduled departure time.
  3. Parents should have an alternative plan in place when the bus is more than 15 minutes behind schedule. On bad weather days, it is unreasonable for transportation to predict how late any given bus may be. Arrangements for carpooling should be made if the parents are unable to take their own children to school. After waiting at the stop, children should go home and call their parents informing them that they missed the bus. Implement your prearranged plan. When the weather is bad our buses will probably be running late, so be sure your child has dressed appropriately and that he/she always have a way into their home, and that they have the appropriate phone number(s) to reach you.
  4. Occasionally in good weather, a school bus may run late. When this occurs call the transportation office at 644-7900.

Our goal is to provide safe and on time transportation. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the transportation office at 644-7900.

Unique Hazards

Positive Suggestions for Parents

  1. Please take some quality time to discuss safety practices and the bus regulations with your child(ren).
  2. Make sure your child(ren) understands why it is important to follow the rules and think safety at all times. 
  3. Keep open lines of communication with your child's driver, as she/he is the first and last whom your child interacts with before and after school.
  4. Ensure that your child(ren) wait for the bus at a safe distance from the roadway and refrain from horseplay at the bus stop.
  5. Be sure that your child(ren) is at the bus stop on time - at least ten minutes before the bus's normal arrival time.
  6. Explain to your child(ren) that she/he must respect the private property of others while waiting for the bus.
  7. Insist on good behavior by your child(ren) and his/her friends so that the driver can concentrate on driving the school bus. 
  8. Make sure that the student can comfortably handle whatever he/she carries onto the school bus.
  9. If possible, signal or notify the bus driver on days when your child(ren) will not be riding.
  10. Visit the bus stop and observe the atmosphere.

Bus Information for Administrators & Teachers

All Transportation requests must come to the Transportation Office

  • We need to know of any special accommodation such as if a nurse is needed.
  • In order to save money, district resources will be used when possible.
  • If we cannot take care of your request, and a contractor is needed, we will make the arrangements with the contractor.
  • There is a formula that should help you estimate the cost of transportation for the trip.
  • One bus can accommodate 72 elementary school students or 48 middle school age, high school age or adults.
  • In order to close out accounts, no field trip can occur after May 31.
  • This form must be filled out and sent to the Transportation Office at least four weeks prior to the trip.   We will send you a quote within a week.
  • Due to unforeseen circumstances, bus assignments may change and trips could even be canceled or rescheduled.

If you have any questions, please call the Transportation Office 302.644.7900.

Transportation Request Form