District Mobile App
Download Our Mobile App!
Download the Cape Henlopen School District mobile app, that has been designed specifically to keep families and community members better informed and connected to what’s going on in our schools and in our District. The app features the latest District and school news, push notifications about breaking news, closure, weather, events and more, easy access to the lunch menus and the calendar of events, and a school and staff directory, just to name a few! The app is FREE to download and is available in both iTunes and Google Play!
District TipLine
Utilize the TipLine for a variety of reasons: to provide feedback on a Board Policy, report bullying/threats/vandalism, or give your child's teacher a kudos! It's a quick and easy way to give us your feedback. You can choose to do this anonymously, or leave your name/email/phone number for us to follow up with you.
Mobile App Q & A
- How Do I follow specific schools on the Calendar feature?
- How do I access the resources for my child's specific school?
- Is the app accessible in any other languages other than English?
- The app isn't working correctly, what should I do?
- Is there a way to save events from the calendar to my device calendar?
- How do I customize my news feed?
- I'm not getting push notifications, what do I do?
- How do I follow my child's school on the app?
- How Do I download the app?
- Which operating systems will support the CHSD Mobile App?
- Why should I download the CHSD Mobile App?